What Tarot Can Be

“The tarot serves us as a pack of possibilities, a divination of the divine, a dynamic reflection of the psyche, a search engine of the soul, a GPS of the spiritual journey, and a mirror of our dreams. In coming face to face with the seventy-eight images of a tarot deck, we are only coming face to face with ourselves.

We may be surprised, then, to see in those very depths the same heights our soul seeks, reflected endlessly in a single universal face – one with the seventy-eight diverse expressions of a tarot deck.”

Practical Tarot Techniques: Your Essential Tool Kit for Better Readings, by Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin

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Silence is Stillness.

A Zero Point.

A Present Moment.

The Fool in the Tarot.

It’s that Moment in Time when you just Be.

Nothing intruding, nothing demanding, No Thing anything at all.

It is our Me-ness at our very core.

When we just ARE.

I think that’s why I value it SO MUCH at this time of my life, after decades, so many decades of jumping and dancing to the tunes of others.

When we think of “meditating,” or “meditation,” many of us perceive that as a challenge – “oh I have to be still and not do or think for a certain amount of time.”

But when I think of achieving or grabbing a Moment of Silence – as a mother, as a child-care professional, as a human in our techie, fast flying society … I immediately feel a profound sense of Peace and feel it as a GIFT in my day.

Without Silence, Writers couldn’t write.

Without Silence, Children couldn’t Imagine.

Without Silence, you cannot Hear.

Mainstream religions have always known this – you notice they all incorporate moments of Silence in their services. The moments of learning and absorbing are always counterbalanced by moments of Silence, Connection, and Integration.

That’s kind of what “meditation” is too. It’s just a counterbalancing moment of Integration and rebalancing.

Moments of Silence support Rebalancing.

Claim your right to your Moment of Silence.

The Blessed Sun

The Sun CHANGES EVERYTHING within its influence.

When It shines, it Changes the appearance and the FEELING of everything in its vicinity.

In the Modern Witch Tarot, take a closer look at the sunflowers.

Most are stretching towards the Sun, eager to embrace Its Light and Warmth.

Some are curious about the child astride the horse, enjoying her joie de vie….

But one sunflower…. looks away.

Is it just one step behind the others, as I sometimes (okay, all the time) am in a structured dance?

Is it just ADD and caught up looking at something else that has its attention? (Because we ADD/multidimensional people do that too)

Or is it purposely turning its back on this Sun’s warmth, out of bitterness, pain, anger, or stubborness? (I’ve done that too ….)

The Sun does not discriminate. It shines impartially on All. In this deck’s imagery, It focuses only on carrying out its calling.

It’s up to the individual to choose how they utilize Her Light.

It’s up to each of us at any given moment in time, to either soak it up or decline its warmth. Right or wrong, each of us makes the decision we need for ourselves.

Which Sunflower do you need to be today?

(Via Edu Seijas’ channel)

Thoughts welcomed.

Numerology of 555 with Takanta

I have had my attention brought to one of the coolest metaphysical systems – one that has been hidden and guarded for a long time and which is emerging once again to be utilized by humankind. This ancient system is called Takanta and it includes a numerological system.

In explaining the phenomenon we know as “angel numbers,” the Takanta website (found at www.takanta.com) that I reference here tells us that:

“every day we humans manifest our wishes, thoughts, and energies out into the universe.

You are sometimes doing it consciously, but sometimes also completely subconsciously . . .

. . . through Takanta Numerology, through angel numbers and secret hidden messages, you start to notice the help that’s arriving your way . . .

. . . (This) could help you with your relationships, romance … (as well as) play an important part in your friendships or work and career.”

Ricketts, M. (2021). 555 Meaning: Angel Number [Spiritual Guide]. Takanta. Https://takanta.com/555-meaning

This author explains the premise behind “angel numbers” in the most succinct way I’ve seen yet. I am super impressed and was excited to look through this website, and I invite you all to have a look inside it if you are interested in numerology! They go on to explain that …

“It is believed that your spirit guides are not allowed to communicate with you in the most direct and obvious ways.

“This is why they have to use very subtle ways to nudge you and make you notice all the messages they are trying to communicate across to you.

“From what is known about them, your guardian angels instead might just quietly whisper in your ear at the right time and in the right place for you to look at that clock on the wall and see the triple number more often.”

(They are VERY quiet sometimes!)

“They might also arrange that specific car to suddenly get in front of your car so you accidentally have to pay attention to its number plate.

“And the number plate of course has a visibly noticeable repeating combination of (an angel number) looking right back at you.”

(I see them all the time in my bank balance, purchase amounts, number of comments in a social media post, so repetitively that you cannot blame it on coincidence, EVERYTHING I use on a daily basis.)

“But why would they use such methods to even communicate with you in the first place?

“What’s their motive? 

“Well, it is believed that your guardian angels obviously want to look out for you and guard you.

“They want to inform you of whether what you are doing is the right thing to do or not.

“They want you to know what to expect in the future and what to prepare for.

“This is where numerology comes in.

“There are many different combinations of these angel numbers, with their own meaning.

“Each number combination has a specific meaning and message behind it. 

“. . . each of those parts, sections, and meanings of such number patterns become stronger and deeper whenever the number appears multiplied . . . (and) even stronger than that, when it appears in the sequence three times.”

In addition to this, Takanta says that the the first number in a three digit angel number represents that past, the second the present, and the third the future – something I have never seen before, and I love! They describe the three parts like this:

  • “The first part of your number pattern tells you about how the upcoming event will arrive in your life. It represents how you will transition into this incoming change.
  • “The middle part of this numerology combination is the main event itself. It’s the core message of what’s about to happen in your life.
  • “And finally, the last part of these numbers represent the post-event period. The settlement time of all the changes and events in your life. It’s about how your life will look like, feel like, and how you will react once the changes have occurred.”

And now onto 555 …

“555 angel number is one of the numerology combinations that many people believe your guardian angels are using to communicate with you, or to warn you”

Takanta tells us that

“the true meaning of this repeating number pattern is that you are about to experience more love, clarity, and abundance in your life . . .

. . . Your life will be filled with love and compassion so you can overcome the challenges you are facing and fulfill your Divine calling and life’s purpose here on Earth.”

They say that

“These changes and manifestations will take place in the area of your life that you’ve been focusing on the most recently”

… and most notably in the areas of :

1. Family, Relationships, and Love, 

2. Friendships, Community, and Support, 

3. and Work, Career, Growth, and Learning.

We will look at each one of these three areas in posts of their own, since the information Takanta provides is quite detailed and extensive.

For more information about Takanta numerology itself, you can explore their “About” page at https://takanta.com/about. To read about the number 555, see their article at https://takanta.com/555-meaning. And if you are interested in a free Takanta numerological reading, you can reach out at https://takanta.com/free-reading.

I will be back soon with a post discussing Takanta’s take on the meanings of the Angel Number 555 concerning Family, Relationships, and Love.

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